Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Mr. M. Rahman’s Tofu Factory

If you ever go to Puncak, do you ever consider of buying Tofu?! Probably not for most, but we recommend you to buy tofu from M. Rahman’s Tofu Factory. It will be a fascinating thing to do in there. The home made tofu factory is well-known by the people around Puncak and Jakarta. The factory is located in a house. There was quite a lot of tourists visiting the site when one of our team members go to the Tofu Factory.

As they heard about the place, the team member wonders what it would be like to eat home-made tofu with soya milk. So they went there with friends and family to enjoy a short holiday break. In contrast, when they went there the home-made soya milk was finished, but they still have some tofu left. The way to their place is called Desa Ciwalen and you have to past through a small and rocky road in order to arrive at the destination.

One of our team associates bought a full rack of high quality tofu for us, with a very cheap price. One rack of tofu is Rp 30,000 which is very affordable price compare to the prices in food stalls. While waiting for the owner to fried the tofu for them, our associates witness the process of how the tofu was made. Finally when the fried tofu is ready, it was time for my friends to taste their first bite. The fried tofu taste extremely delicious, it is soft, fresh and indeed mouth watering. All the members have a great time visiting the tofu factory. They had experienced an unforgettable moment trying M. Rahman’ Tofu.

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